I’m a true woman, a born thinker like all of you

I’m a true woman, a born thinker like all of you

I’m my own person, unlimited in form

Cultivating my own thinking, my views I have in plenty

I follow no one, nothing, but only what my heart says is true

It’s my independence I celebrate, tell me patriarchy, how does it affect you?

I will wear jeans, I will wear a skirt, I will wear saris and sleeveless blouses too

My clothes are a form of convenience sometimes, elegance at others

I’m casual, I’m easy and I love gazes of admiration too

It’s my independence I celebrate, tell me, lech, how does it affect you?

I love my friends, their gender I don’t care

There are times I’m in parties, clubs, beeches, I can be everywhere

I’m fun to be with, sincere to deal with, committed and true too

It’s my independence I celebrate, tell me, perpetrator, how does it license you?

I enjoy life’s pleasures, whether it’s fun, games, even a drink or two

I’m friendly, kind and always generous in accepting your flaws too

My roles and multi-facets are what I will decide on my own

It’s my independence I celebrate, tell me society, why does it matter to you?

I’m a woman I’m told, I have an infinite list of to-dos

If my clothes are an inch shorter or my smile a wee bit longer,

Customs, traditions, and practice will assassinate me through and through

If there’s a best practice for me that you give me to follow

Your traditions hanging precariously on my independence are completely shallow!

I’m a true woman, a born thinker like all of you

After 100s of years my true form I have found

I’ll cultivate my independence, my liberation, my freedom of expression

For the rest of my journey, never to be bound!

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