Durga Strives to Create a World That Is Safe for Every Woman and Lets Her Be
We do this through theatre-based workshops for both men and women in schools, colleges, workspaces and in communities.
I'm Every Woman. Capturing unheard, untold stories of women from diverse backgrounds. How do they hold their ground, be unapologetic and unmovable.
I'm Every Woman becomes an Offline Platform of women entrepreneurs who dip into the expertise and resources of each other. Products get launched in the forum.
Priya Varadarajan built her skill on Theatre of the Oppressed and started using theatre techniques in I'm Every Woman meetings.
Genesis of Need to address Sexual Harassment in Public Spaces and development of the First Module
- I'm Every Woman Trust is registered.
- First set of workshops in colleges and public spaces.
The early team is built, more workshops, partnerships with police and youth in colleges
- Durga Panic Alarm piloted in BMTC buses in Bangalore.
- Workshop modules built for a range of communities - school children (Class 9 and 10), women from underprivileged communities and construction sites and college workshops were designed.
- Innovation Labs in Colleges - an idea sparks with MS Ramiah college students.
50 Panic Alarms in buses.
Durga takes the Ted platform.
Durga wins the Charity Clarity Award in the UK for the Panic Alarms social innovation.
Citizen Audits in Public Spaces
- Durga wins the Spirit of Humanity Award in Mumbai.
- Launch of ABCD - Online Curriculum for Any body Can be Durga.
- Durga's DARE programme working with specific Active Bystanders.
- Launch of Gender Curriculum for Undergraduate students.
Next Gen Advocates for Gender Equity
- 600 DAREs in Bangalore
- 10 Voice Labs
- Durga expands to Assam
- Durga launches the Card Game
Our Mission
We do this through theatre based workshops for both men and women in schools, colleges, workspaces and in communities.
Stories of sexual assault and violence against women and children around the country continue to flood our news channels and social feeds daily.
Most women in India are consistently living in fear of potential or repeated harassment. This is reflected in the way a woman dresses, sits, talks, commutes, or converses.
Sadly, all these seemingly normal social interactions are predominantly influenced by negative experiences. And while these issues are often discussed, they are rarely followed with action.
The Durga family reaches out to women and makes her struggles its own.
Values Driven
Rights Based
Feminist Thinking
Action Oriented
What Are We Doing as Citizens to Address This Very Urgent and Apparent Need for Safety?
That’s where we come in, We are DURGA. We Dare to Understand behavior, Respond appropriately, and Guard ourselves Ably.
We strongly believe that every woman should be afforded the right to express herself freely. Whether it be via her dressing, her demeanor, or her choices.